Composite bonding can work wonders for your smile. Using materials that match the shade, translucency and the texture of your teeth, gaps between teeth can be closed, spots and discolorations can be eliminated, and your self-confidence can be enhanced through the improved appearance of your smile.
The dentist will match the shade of your existing teeth and then tooth-colored composite resin is applied to the tooth much like the filling procedure.
The procedure is sometimes referred to as bonding because an adhesive agent is used to actually bond the resin to the tooth structure.
The resin is hardened (cured) with a curing light and then shaped, contoured, and polished to give a cosmetic and natural appearance. Bonding is the least expensive cosmetic procedure and can be completed during a single dental visit.
Composite bonding is excellent for small defects in the teeth -- spots, chips, or gaps between teeth. For smile alterations involving an entire tooth or multiple teeth, porcelain is the material of choice.
The dentists at Rainbow Falls Dental are all General Dentists (unless specified). As general dentists, they provide cosmetic dental procedures such as porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and teeth whitening as part of their General Dentistry license. Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentistry are not specialties recognized by the Alberta Dental Association & College (ADA&C). As general dentists, they provide General Dental procedures for all ages within the family.
Rainbow Falls Dental is located at Unit 214, 100 Rainbow Rd, Chestermere, AB T1X 0V2
and proudly serves the surrounding areas of Chestermere and East of Calgary